Sunday, February 21, 2021


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27 Figures of speech answers 

Official answers from Ella Barron

1. In a nutshell
2. Piece of cake
3. Cherry on the cake
4. Bald as a coot
5. A screw loose
6. Stiff upper lip
7. Born with a silver spoon in your mouth
8. Ear worm
9. Keep your cards close to your chest
10. Joker in the pack
11. An ace up your sleeve
12. Heart on your sleeve
13. On a silver platter
14. Spill the beans
15. Big cheese
16. Red herring
17. Tie the knot
18. Put all your eggs in one basket
19. Walking on eggshells
20. Shadow of your former self
21. No room to swing a cat
22. The cat’s got your tongue
23. Kick the bucket
24. Pull your socks up
25. Cold feet
26. From rags to riches
27. Time flies

Other possible answers
1. Got the cat by the tail
2. Hit the nail on the head
3. A screw loose
4. A fish out of water
5. Tie the knot
6. Bird brain
7. Cherry on top
8. Chalk and cheese
9. Knock your socks off
10. Put your best foot forward
11. A hard nut to crack
12. A fish out of water
13. A can of worms
14. Big cheese
15. Best foot forward
16. Follow your nose
17. Pale as a ghost
18. Stick your neck out
19. Raise an eyebrow
20. More holes than Swiss cheese
21. Bird’s eye view
22. Left in tatters
23. Best foot forward


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