Friday, February 9, 2024

I Write

Well, posting on Sundays did not work. So I will post whenever. I plan to share on Sundays at Noon (and maybe just whenever I have time or the mood strikes me), various writings. 

Some of the stories are a mix of truth and fiction, other just fiction or just reporting facts or observations. 

If you click around on the blog you will find lots of articles about gardening. If you see my name at the bottom with a "MG" after it, it will be an article for the Master Gardener program. I just put them here as we don't have a blog or anywhere to put them on the internet to share.

Feel free to visit the eBlog 

You can search in the upper right box for 
I Write

Leave comments if so inclined but no punctuation comments as I am not a fan of the Oxford comma. And, after all, it is MY writing.

You can also read my published book Herb Sampler. If you know me, I can sell you a copy in person for less than Amazon charges. But I still get royalties from Amazon if you buy there but not enough to bump me up tax brackets. 

                HERB SAMPLER Second Edition

Buy one for yourself and consider getting a few more. They make great hostess gifts, housewarming, and anytime gifts.

The Second Edition Herb Sampler (2019) is available through Amazon. 

Just click this link to find it. 

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I Write - Snow Days

 At our monthly Writing is Fun meetings we decide a prompt for writing for the next meeting. Length is set at 2 pages so we can read them at...