Sunday, January 3, 2021



Winter Bench (Trey Gelbach)

"Anyone who thinks that gardening begins in the spring and ends in the fall is missing the best part of the whole year. For gardening begins in January with the dream."  ~Josephine Nuese

It doesn't have to be a cozy chair across from the flickering fireplace. It can be

    cross-legged on the bed with catalogs spread out.
        leaning into the keyboard to look at a photo on a Website.
            putting post-it notes on catalog pages riding in the car.
                dog-earing pages while sitting in the doctor's office.

It doesn't have to be over a graph-paper layout of the yard and gardens. It can be

  seeing a barren landscape with colors of the coming season.
      spotting a neighbor's plant and seeking a spot in your yard.
           imagining what will please your eye as you sit and relax.

                                  Go. Dream.


~  Carol Kagan

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