Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Twas the Night Before Christmas for Gardeners


‘T was the Night Before Christmas for Gardeners


‘T was the night before Christmas, and all through the yard,

The branches were bare and the ground frozen hard.

The roses were dormant and mulched all around

To protect them from damage if frost heaves the ground.


The perennials were nestled all snug in their beds,

While visions of fertilizer danced in their heads;

The newly planted shrubs had been soaked by a hose,

To settle their roots for a long winter’s doze.


And out on the lawn the new fallen snow

Protected the roots of the grasses below;

When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,

But a truck full of gifts of gardening gear.


St. Nick was the driver a jolly old elf,

And he winked as he said, “I’m a gardener myself.

I’ve brought new seeds and light systems, too,

Give them a try and see how they do.


“To eliminate weeding, I brought bags of mulch,

To attract the pollinators I have flowers for best results.

To add to your joy, I’ve plenty of herbs

And ornamental grasses for your hell strip curb.


“For seed planting days, I’ve a trowel and a dibble,

And a roll of wire mesh if the rabbits should nibble.

I have the latest books, plus some gadgets you’ll love;

Plant stakes and frames, and waterproof gloves.


“Here are sharp shears and a new compost pit

And, for pH detecting, a soil testing kit.

With these colorful flagstones, lay a new garden path.

For the view from your window, a bird feed and bath.


“And last but not least, some well-rotted manure,

A green garden year-round, these gifts will ensure.”

Then, jolly St. Nick having emptied his load,

Started his truck and took on the road.


And I heard him exclaim through the motor’s loud hum,

“Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Green Thumb!”


Taken from PegPlant, December 2016


I Write - Snow Days

 At our monthly Writing is Fun meetings we decide a prompt for writing for the next meeting. Length is set at 2 pages so we can read them at...