Rosa rugusa in the Tea Bed at Herb Garden |
In Franklin County with
agricultural land and dairy farms in abundance, multiflora rose was once viewed
as a valuable addition to the landscape. Now viewed as an invasive species, it
is under attack from a virus. Landowners and managers who have battled this
invasive plant for years celebrate; however, rose growers lament.
Cultivated roses planted
downwind of the infected multiflora rose plants are especially at risk when
wind currents move mites that carry the virus. With mite populations peaking in
September, home gardeners need to survey their roses. Once infected, roses can
show signs of the disease in as few as four weeks. There is no known treatment
or cure for infected plants.
Jeff Mulhollem of Penn
State University notes in a recent article that although brought to North
America in the 1700s as rootstock for grafting ornamental roses, it was quickly
recognized for other values. From the 1940s through the 1960s, it was touted as
a 'living fence' that kept livestock confined. Conservationists espoused it as
the "ultimate conservation plant" that was easy to grow, held soil,
and created dense wildlife habitat. "Some departments of transportation
thought the tangles of thorns were useful as crash barriers."
Each flower on the bush
produces a rose hip, a valuable source of Vitamin C and flavoring. Each rose
hip contains seven seeds. Every year a single multiflora rose plant produces up
to half a million seeds. While these seeds can lie dormant for up to 20 years,
often birds eat them and spread the seeds over larger areas.
"Multiflora rose is
one of the best - or worst - and most visible, examples of an invasive plant
thriving in Pennsylvania's landscape. But for better or worse, a disease
increasingly is infecting and killing the thick stands across the state,"
according to Mulhollem.
What is Rose Rosette
This disease, only found
in Rosa species and hybrids, is caused by a plant virus that is spread by
eriophyid mites or during the grafting process. The mite is microscopic and
tends to hid in buds, at the base of shoots, leaf axils or under leaf scars.
The mites get the virus when feeding on infected plants and the disease is
spread when the mite feed on a new plant. Although the mites only crawl short
distances on rose plants they can be carried further distances to other roses
on wind currents (leaf blowers, too), tools, gloves and clothing. Mites
What does it look like?
Most often gardeners will first notice the quick elongation of new shoots, frequently displaying a cluster of smaller, distorted, red branches called "witches' brooms."There can be an excess of
thorns on the stems and deformed flowers. Infected plants often die in one or
two years; however, some plants may live as long as four years. Some
researchers report that infected canes are more susceptible to damage from low
What can home gardeners
Oklahoma State Extension
notes that “research suggests that the virus does not contaminate the soil like
some other pathogens if infected roses are removed from a site. The mites will
die in about a day in absence of a host. However, they can survive on fallen
debris.” Clean up is crucial. However, North Carolina Extension Service
suggests a two year period before replanting in the same area.
Management Guidelines for
RRD (compiled
from several Extension Service sites):
Remove all the
diseased plants from the landscape. Do not compost.
Discard all diseased
foliage and all roots stock (roots left in the ground are still infected and
could re-sprout) in the trash. Do not compost.
Clean the area of all
fallen debris such as buds and fallen leaves and discard. Do not compost.
Clean all garden
tools, gloves and clothing to avoid the continued present of mites.
Do not use leaf
blowers near roses.
For new installations,
do not overcrowd plantings. Use proper spacing. Prune to eliminate leaves
touching between plants.
Consider mixed
planting of roses with non-rose material to break the disease cycle.
Promote health and
vigor with proper care (watering, fertilizing, controlling fungal diseases).
Scout and remove wild
roses in the area and handle according to the guidelines.
Scout landscape roses
in the area for symptoms and handle according to the guidelines.
What about invasive
Penn State's Mulhollem
notes that "while some landowners will celebrate the loss (reduction) of
multiflora rose, its loss is not a reason to reduce vigilance. At least one
study has shown that the void left by its demise is rapidly filled by bush
honeysuckle and, perhaps, autumn or Russian olive.
"Some people suggest
that we give up the fight against burgeoning invasive plants; others argue that
we have to encourage more indigenous plants to support native insects, which
feed our native species. If you want to keep invasive plant species at bay on
your land, the sooner your act, the better. It is much easier to control a few
In Franklin County with
agricultural land and dairy farms in abundance, multiflora rose was once viewed
as a valuable addition to the landscape. Now viewed as an invasive species, it
is under attack from a virus. Landowners and managers who have battled this
invasive plant for years celebrate; however, rose growers lament.
Cultivated roses planted
downwind of the infected multiflora rose plants are especially at risk when
wind currents move mites that carry the virus. With mite populations peaking in
September, home gardeners need to survey their roses. Once infected, roses can
show signs of the disease in as few as four weeks. There is no known treatment
or cure for infected plants.
Jeff Mulhollem of Penn
State University notes in a recent article that although brought to North
America in the 1700s as rootstock for grafting ornamental roses, it was quickly
recognized for other values. From the 1940s through the 1960s, it was touted as
a 'living fence' that kept livestock confined. Conservationists espoused it as
the "ultimate conservation plant" that was easy to grow, held soil,
and created dense wildlife habitat. "Some departments of transportation
thought the tangles of thorns were useful as crash barriers."
Each flower on the bush
produces a rose hip, a valuable source of Vitamin C and flavoring. Each rose
hip contains seven seeds. Every year a single multiflora rose plant produces up
to half a million seeds. While these seeds can lie dormant for up to 20 years,
often birds eat them and spread the seeds over larger areas.
~ Carol Kagan, Master
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