Monday, September 23, 2024


Butterfly Weed seeds (Asclepias tuberosa) Photo -C. Kagan

There are many different milkweed plants. They are in the Genus Asclepias. In Pennsylvania the most common species are Swamp Milkweed (A. incarnata), Butterfly Weed (A. Tuberosa), and Common Milkweed (A. syriaca). Check out this Penn State page for more information about these plants. 

Milkweed seeds require cold stratification. Here's what that means. In nature milkweed plants scatter their seeds in late autumn when the coming cold would kill any seedlings that germinated. Milkweed seeds are programmed to delay germination. Exposure to winter temperatures soften or crack their hard outer shells. In late spring, as temperatures rise, their dormancy is broken and they will start to germinate. Many species of milkweed are quite easy to grow from seed.

Harvesting your seed

You will find milkweed seeds in the pod, also called a follicle. They are attached to white, silky, filament-like hairs known as the coma (coh-ma). As the follicles ripen and split open in the fall, the seeds are revealed on the inside of the follicle. If not harvested, the coma will help seeds be wind-blown to scatter in a wide area.

Seeds will need to be separated from from the coma. Here’s a great tip from Kitty Mao (posted on The Beautiful Monarch FB page October 2017):

“My ‘Low-tech’ Milkweed seed separator: I dislike having special one-time-use gadgets, so I wanted to pass this idea along. You'll need 4 or 5 nickels (coins), a wide-mouth Ball jar with the metal rim, an old onion plastic net and a container to catch the seeds. Throw a couple handfuls of loosened fluff/seed pods in the jar with the coins, double up the net on top of the jar to ensure you have some smaller holes, screw on the lid, then turn upside down and shake out the seeds. Repeat as necessary. (It took me 5 minutes to collect my things and shake out 1/2 cup of Common Milkweed seeds...less time than this post!)”

Fall Planting in the Garden: Many species of milkweed are quite easy to grow from seed. Head outside in the autumn, or even in the early winter. Separate the seeds from the coma and sprinkle the seeds around the garden. Burying the seeds can reduce germination rates since milkweed seeds need light to germinate. Just drop the seeds in the garden and press them down with your hand. Once you've sprinkled the seeds over the soil there's nothing else to do but wait.

In spring, they'll germinate and begin to grow. Be sure the new plants stay well-watered until they're established. Milkweeds are hardy plants that will survive with very little care. Once the seedlings are a few inches tall, you can transplant them to different areas of the garden. [If you want to transplant, move them before they get too big as the root system starts to dig in early.] (Penn State Extension)

Spring Seed Starting: If you want to start seeds in the spring, separate them from the coma and store them in a cool area before until you are ready to cold stratify them to copy the nature process as noted above.

In February, carefully place seeds between moist paper towels to be refrigerated for 3-6 weeks before planting. At that time they can be planted. Peat pots make transplanting later easier. Prepare the pot and and gently water until damp. Place a few seeds on top and gently press down with your finger as they need light to germinate. Water gently, as needed, from the bottom. To prevent fungus, don't overwater. They should sprout in about 10-15 days.

Put your pots in a sunny window, greenhouse, or under a grow light. These should germinate and sprout within 10-15 days after planting. Plant out in the garden after last freeze date. It is best to transplant milkweed in the spring when the plant is small. Transplant on a day that is cloudy or during the cooler morning/evening hours. This will make it less stressful on the plant.

Winter Sowing - Outdoor Germination: Winter sowing is planting seeds outdoors in a protected container during winter. The container remains outdoors until the seedlings emerge in the spring.

The best time to winter sow perennials and annuals is generally December to March depending on the weather conditions in your area. These seeds receive a consistent period of moist, cold temperatures before germination occurs in spring. This is ideal for milkweed seeds.

Remember, when you place the seeds in the containers, they need light to germinate.

Other Resources from Save Our Monarch Organization

Save Our Monarchs Organization has detailed information on growing milkweed seeds indoors.
Save Our Monarchs - Part 1 - outdoor direct sowing and prep for winter sowing-
Save Our Monarchs - Part 2 - planting milkweed outside/ winter sowing step by step- Remember they need light to germinate when you place the seeds on the soil.

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HERB SAMPLER Second Edition

Buy one for yourself and consider getting a few more as the winter holidays approach – hostess gifts, housewarming and holiday presents.

The Second Edition Herb Sampler (2019) available through Amazon. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024



Bee on white teasel (C.Kagan)

The Franklin County, PA Master Gardener Facebook Friday posts from June to August 2024


Summertime is travelling time. Looking out the windows at the scenery you may see some interesting plants along the roadside. 


In JUNE you can see Staghorn Sumac (Rhus typhina) pronounced RHOOS ty-FEE-nah. This deciduous shrub or tree has beautiful white flowers in spring and early summer with upright, red cone-shaped berry clusters from mid-June into September. The name Staghorn may come from the reddish-brown hairs along branches that are like the velvet covers on the horns of a stag or male deer.

It is a native plant often seen near woodland edges, roadsides, railroad embankments and stream or swamp margins. Its suckering roots make it an excellent choice for erosion control. Leaves turn attractive shades of scarlet, yellow, and orange, in the fall. It’s a larval host plant, attracts pollinators and the deep red berries are a welcome fall and winter food source for songbirds.

It can be a good addition to pollinator gardens. For more information on landscaping for wildlife go to this PennState Extension page


In June it is common to see beautiful orange daylilies along roadside, often in ditches or on sloping ground. This is the Orange Daylily (Hemerocallis fulva) and although it is common it’s  not a native plant – it is from Asia and can be invasive. It is called a daylily as each flower lasts for only a day, but each flower stem has several buds that bloom at different times.

It is an herbaceous perennial bulb that blooms in large patches and are planted in areas to hold back soil to prevent further erosion and hide unattractive spaces that are offensive to the sense of beauty. The plants are tolerant of poor soil and drought or abundant water and can thrive in ditches along the roadside.

It also attracts hummingbirds and butterflies and may be an addition to pollinator gardens. Precautions should be taken to prevent wide spread of these bulbs in garden situations.


It is common to see the bright blue flowers of Chicory (Cichorium intybus) along roadsides and other disturbed sites. It blooms from mid-June and into the early fall. Standing 2-4 feet tall on upright wiry stems, it is topped by the flowers. It was introduced from Europe and is now naturalized over much of the United States.

The roots are edible and often dried, ground and used as a coffee substitute. As always, confirm identification of any wild sourced food.

Bees. Butterflies, and other pollinators nectar at Chicory flowers. It can be an interesting addition to the back of a garden. Its tall stems have little foliage, and it is best mixed with ornamental grasses. While it can be weedy it does not frequently invade natural habitats. If considering harvesting some to transplant into your landscape, note that it has a large taproot. 


Clusters of white, lacy Queen Anne’s Lace (Daucus carota) flowers can be seen along roadsides, in old fields, and abandoned places. They sit atop 2–4-foot stems that rise from a rosette of leaves at the base. This biennial blooms in its second year from mid-Summer and into fall. It adapts to a variety of soils in both sun and partial shade.

This plant was brought from England and has naturalized in many states; some consider it invasive. It attracts bees, butterflies, and other pollinators but is not suggested for home gardens. Although quite beautiful, it self-seeds readily, can be quite aggressive, and, with a long taproot, is difficult to remove.

The name comes from the legend that Queen Anne of England, known for her beautiful lacework, was challenged to make lace as beautiful as a flower. While working on it she pricked her finger. Looking closely at some of the white flowers, you may see a small, reddish-purple floret at the center. It is said that this represents a drop of blood. This plant is also known as wild carrot, bird's nest, and bishop's lace. In the language of flowers Queen Anne’s Lace represents sanctuary.

Bishop's Flower (Ammi majus) is often mistaken or substituted for Queen Anne's Lace. Also, similar in appearance to the deadly poison hemlock, it can also cause contact dermatitis.


From mid-summer into fall, Common Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) is a ordinary roadside sight. The first thing to notice is the tall, upright stalk reaching 5-10 feet. At the top is a candle-like spike with yellow flowers and at the bottom a rosette skirt of woolly leaves. Not a native plant, it was originally planted as a medicinal herb but has escaped cultivation and can be invasive in many areas. One plant can produce over 100,000 seeds and it spreads easily.

Although it attracts bees, butterflies, and caterpillars, it may not be a good choice for pollinator gardens since it easily self-seeds.


The dense, bristle-covered cones of Common teasel (Dipsacus fullonum) rise two to six feet tall and are often confused with thistles. It’s not a native plant and is considered an invasive weed. Each plant has a range from 850 to 34,000 seeds. Flowers are purple or white.

The seeds stay in the spiny flower head, which is readily transported by water, equipment, animal fur, or by ‘collectors’ who use the distinctive flower head for decorative purposes. The spread of the seeds causes dense patches that thins out native plants and reduces habitat.

Heads of teasel species were likely brought to North America to use as hairbrushes or in the textile industry to raise the nap on woolen cloth.

Sometimes the plants are grown as ornamentals and the dried, spiny flower heads are used in the floral and craft industry. They may be used to attract birds as their seeds are an important food source.

Photos: Seed Head: Eugene Zelenko CCA-SA 4.0 // Roadside: Pieter Delicaat CCA-SA 4.0


Sprawling mats or thickets of Crown Vetch (Coronilla variais) can grow up to three feet tall. The herbaceous vines are topped with small white, pink, or purple flowers. It is often seen in open areas, especially down embankments, and along highways and rural fields.

 Crown vetch was introduced throughout North America in the 1950s for erosion control, particularly along roadways and on slopes. The fibrous root system of one plant can cover 70 to 100 square feet in four years and help stabilize soil erosion. 

 It is still being sold and used in many states that have not officially declared it to be invasive. It is forage for some species such as cows, goats or sheep (poisonous for horses) but its wide spreading habit can displace native plants.  In Pennsylvania it is considered an invasive weed.

Photos have source indicated on them


Horseweed (Erigeron canadensis) also known as Marestail, is found in fields, pastures, vacant lots, and along roadsides. You will see tall upright stems 3-6 feet tall. Pea sized white flowers with yellow centers show up on numerous flower heads crowded onto branches at the top of the stem and bloom from mid-summer and into fall.

This is considered as a weed especially for agricultural areas. It may appear in gardens and yards and, due to long fibrous tap roots, is difficult to remove. Remove the plants completely as plants can re-sprout from broken stems. Do not allow flowers to go to seed. This is a plant with amazing seed production. One plant can produce over 200,000 seeds that can be windblown up to a quarter of a mile.

See this PennState Extension page for more information:

Photos have source indicated on them


Butter and Eggs (Linaria vulgaris), also known as Yellow Toadflax, may be spotted in small yellow clumps along the roadside, pastures or forest edges and is often the first plant to colonize disturbed areas such as after fires. It is not a native and was introduced as an ornamental and medicinal plant. It is now common in North America and most of Canada.

The yellow and orange flowers are quite attractive, similar to snapdragons, and bloom in late summer early fall. It spreads by rhizomes, seeds, and roots that can grow to 10 feet.

It is a food plant for a large number of insects such as moths and bees.

Although it is not recommended for home gardens, it is sometimes grown for its long-lasting cut flowers or for children’s gardens where they can mimic talking by squeezing them. Be forewarned. These plants are difficult to eradicate.

Photos have source indicated on them.


 “AHA! We know what that is. That’s CORN.”  Along so many rural roads and byways there are fields of corn. Tall, straight, and with a tassel at the top. Thoughts of grilled or steamed sweet corn smeared with butter come to mind.

Did you know that there are two main types of corn? There is sweet corn and field corn.

What’s the difference? Julia Darnton, Michigan State University Extension explains. “The sweet corn that we enjoy at our summer picnics is similar but is selected for different traits than field corn. Field corn is used to create a number of other food products including corn meal, corn chips and livestock feeds as well as a host of non-food products including ethanol and polymers that are used to create plastics and fabric.”

She also notes that “sweet corn does not grow as tall as field corn and has leaves that are thinner. After harvesting,  the sugars in corn begin to convert into starches which affects flavor. The fresher the corn, the sweeter it will taste.

Corn that is grown for grain has taller stalks with larger thicker leaves than sweet corn. Field corn, also sometimes called ‘cow corn,’ stays in the fields until the ears dry because corn is very high in moisture and must be dry to be processed.” Field corn isn’t harmful to eat but it may not be as enjoyable sweet corn due to its texture and starchy taste.


We wrap up the 2024 By the Roadside series with this post.

If you make a stop during your drive and head to a parking lot you will see plants that meet the challenges of a hard-to-plant site.

Blue Catmint (Nepeta x faassenii) is a favorite as it is a perennial, drought tolerant, and, as a sterile hybrid, it does not reseed. It is a low maintenance plant. It blooms from spring to mid-summer and, after shearing back flowers, will rebloom into fall. It grows up to 2 feet and does not block the view of traffic.  

Its leaves and blue-lavender blooms are heavily scented, and cats find it attractive while the scent deters deer. It needs full sun, well-drained soil, and does not have insect or disease problems. In home gardens, grow it along a path, near doorways or patio areas to enjoy its scent. It is suitable for containers and rock garden areas.

HERB SAMPLER Second Edition

Buy one for yourself and consider getting a few more. They make great hostess gifts, housewarming, and anytime gifts.

The Second Edition Herb Sampler (2019) is available through Amazon. 

Just click this link to find it. 

Monday, June 3, 2024

June - Prune Your Herbs


Golden oregano in hanging beach pail (Kagan)

WEEKEND REMINDER It's time to prune your herbs!

Most herbs require pruning during the growing season to keep them healthy and continue producing the leaves or flowers we want.

German Chamomile-flowers for tea (Kagan)

Prune herbs regularly and keep some for daily use. Pick early in the day as the sun’s heat will pull flavorful oils from the plant. Gently rinse and dry ones for immediate use. Store extras, unwashed, in unsealed plastic bags in the refrigerator crisper and wash before use.

If you have many, consider preserving them by drying, dehydrating, or freezing. Here's a good article from PennState Extension [].

Click to go to the article

Caterpillar parsley/Bee-oregano (Kagan)

Though most culinary herbs are not native they can provide excellent functional support to pollinators and other beneficial insects. A few herbs are host plants. Some provide nectar and pollen, as well as shelter and nesting sites. You may want to provide extra plants to let them flower for pollinators.

Garden sage in flower (Kagan)
Here are a few pruning guide photos. (Photos: Carol Kagan)




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 HERB SAMPLER Second Edition (my book)

Buy one for yourself and consider getting a few more. They make great hostess gifts, housewarming, and anytime gifts.

The Second Edition Herb Sampler (2019) is available through Amazon. 

Just click this link to find it. 

Sunday, May 12, 2024


                 2024 MASTER GARDENER PLANT SALE 

May 18  9 am - 1 pm, 425 Franklin Farm Lane, Chambersburg

It important to note that availability of plants is determined by germination and condition of plants at the time of the sale. Links to Herbs and Flowers pages below.

Seriously, check out all the varieties that you can't find in local nurseries or garden centers.


Hot Peppers
Big Jim
Bhut Joloki (Ghost)
Cayenne Long thin
Fish (Heirloom)
Habanaro orange
La bomba Jalopeno
Ancho Giganta
Hinkelhatz (Heirloom)
Brazilian Star Fish
Aji Chinchi Amarillo

Sweet Peppers
California Wonder
Golden California Wonder
Jimmy Nardello
Sheepnose Pimento
Lunch box Pepper mix


Jet Star hybrid
Aunt Ruby's German green
Brandywine black
Giant Belgium
Mortgage Lifter
Tasmanian chocolate
Little bird red robin- Dwarf
Independence day
Speckled Roman
Patio Choice hybrid series red
Wherokowhai - dwarf large beef steak indeterminate 
Tamagotchi - hybrid Tamayo tomatillo
Sungold Select - cherry bite sized Open pollinated


Fairy Tale Eggplants

Cucumber 'Poona Kheera' (Cucumis sativa)
Cucumber 'Japanese Climbing' (Cucumis sativa)
Cucumber 'H-19 Little Leaf '(Cucumis sativa)
Watermelon 'Sugar Baby' (Citrullus lanatus)
Zucchini 'Magda' (Cucurbita pepo)
Eggplant 'Fairy Tale' 
Eggplant 'Diamond'
Squash 'Cocozelle'

Poona Kheera Cucumbers



Spanish Flag vine

*    *    *    *    * 

  HERB SAMPLER Second Edition (my book)

Buy one for yourself and consider getting a few more. They make great hostess gifts, housewarming, and anytime gifts.

The Second Edition Herb Sampler (2019) is available through Amazon. 

Just click this link to find it. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2024



Rain or Shine

*  *   *   *   *   *


                      HERB SAMPLER Second Edition (my book)

Buy one for yourself and consider getting a few more. They make great hostess gifts, housewarming, and anytime gifts.

The Second Edition Herb Sampler (2019) is available through Amazon. 

Just click this link to find it. 


Butterfly Weed seeds (Asclepias tuberosa) Photo -C. Kagan There are many different milkweed plants. They are in the Genus Asclepias. In Pen...